Transparency and simplicity is at the core of everything we do at Faros Linen. We are a purpose driven brand that provides humane working conditions for the best artisans in Europe. Faros Linen commits to being fully traceable. That is why we join the #KnowYourFactories movement, and publish the names and addresses of our suppliers.
European linen & craftsmanship
From flax plants to fibres
Linen is made of flax, and our flax grows in the favorable climatic conditions of the Normandy, in France. Soil rich fields, perfectly alternating rain, sun and wind, and generations of experience make it the world’s best region for the cultivation of the plant.
The flax growers in this area have competence and expertise that has been handed down from generation to generation and share their experiences in the cooperative Terre de Lin. They cultivate the most durable linen by selecting only the finest and longest fibers.

Copyright: Cotonificio Albini S.p.A.
From flax fibres to yarn
After the harvest in the fields of Normandy, the linen processing continues in the Bergamo area of Italy. Here, the Linificio e Canapificio Nazionale transforms the selected fibres into yarn. Founded in 1873, Linificio combs, presses, bleaches and spins the linen. Combing is a manual process that makes linen progressively finer, cleans it and parallelises as well as standardizes it.
Copyright: Cotonificio Albini S.p.A.
From yarns to fine linen shirts
The yarns are spun, dyed, woven, and finished with the utmost care and attention in the factory of Cotonificio Albini 1876, a manufacturer with five generations of experience. Each single yarn of linen is coated by a protective wax which makes it even more resistant and more sliding for subsequent processing. The equipment employed is being constantly renewed thanks to a substantial continuous investment programme. All the machinery is state of the art and incorporates advanced technologies. The hands of highly skilled artisans transform the linen into the finest material for our shirts.
Copyright: Cotonificio Albini S.p.A.
Linen shirts are a sustainable choice

European Flax®, an internationally recognized certification by the European Flax Association ensuring highest standards in the production, commitment to support of the European craftsmanship, the implementation of strict traceability, and, of course, finest fibres as a result.
European Flax® certifies the exclusively European origin of flax fiber (France, Belgium and Holland), which respects the environment according to 3 key principles:
- Zero irrigation
- Zero genetically modified organisms
- Zero waste
European flax is an industry committed to our environmental, social and economic well-being. By committing to working with the farmers and production sites of this fine fibre, Faros Linen is enhancing and safeguarding its origin and its intrinsic and non-transferable know-how.
Please find more about our fine linen supplier Contonificio Albini here.
Cotonificio Albini S.p.A.
via Dr. Silvio Albini 1
24021 Albino (Bergamo), Italy
Tel. +39 035.777.111
Fax +39 035.777.510
Premium natural buttons

Copyright: Bottonifico Padano S.p.A.
Faros Linen shirts come with Mother of Pearl buttons (Pinctada Maxima), made from 100% natural, cultured shells, offering sophistication in the smallest details. The shells for our buttons are a byproduct from farms raising pearls for the jewelry industry. The raw material is sourced from advanced countries (Australia and French Polynesia).
Bottonificio Padano, a button company near Venice, Italy with decades of experience and the aspiration to become a leader in the commercial eco-friendly field. Please find more about our MOP Button producer Bottonificio Padano here.
Bottonificio Padano S.p.A.
Via Scapacchiò, 23
35030 Saccolongo – Padova, Italy
T:+39 049 8015055
F: +39 049 8015142
Traditional tailoring

Faros Linen shirts are tailored by Bona Dea, a boutique manufacturer with garment makers who work passionately to provide premium quality under fair conditions for all workers. With traditional craftsmanship and high end technologies the team provides special processing & finishing techniques for the needs of European Linen.
Faros Linen shirts are enzyme washed and steamed only after production for an ideal finishing and no shrinkage.
Please find more information about our production partner Bona Dea here.
30-go Stycznia 32
83-110 Tczew, Poland
T: +48 58 561 22 01
F: +48 509 638 055